A Topographical Survey is an accurate depiction of an object, a feature or site (e.g. property, area of land or a defined boundary) which is scaled and detailed according to the spatial considerations (coordinates, bearings, distances etc.) and is the summary of the on-site data capture processes. Topographical survey determines the location of natural and man-made features (such as buildings, improvements, fences, land contours, trees, streams, etc.) of the land along with its elevations. Topographic survey provides you with the exact figures of the size, height, position of the different changes that have occurred in course of time with regard to their presence of their natural existence. Sometimes, these surveys are also used for the formulation of an optimal plan for drainage, ditches, grading and other features. A Topographic Map is used to depict terrain relief showing ground elevation, usually through either contour lines or spot elevations.